In Los Alamos, New Mexico, a massive explosion caused by a nuclear test unearths an ancient circular device from beneath the earth's surface. In the aftermath of the explosion, the device opens to reveal a person in suspended animation.
In the present day Calcutta, Lara Croft has returned from an expedition to capture Bigfoot and is relaxing in a luxurious hotel when she is approached by a Texan man named Larson Conway. Larson introduces her via videoscreen to his employer, Jacqueline Natla, the owner of Natla Technologies. After failing to sway her with money (Lara only plays for sport), Natla asks for her assistance in acquiring a piece of a talisman known as the Scion, an ancient artifact located in the lost tomb of Qualopec, located in the mountains of Peru. Intrigued, Lara agrees to make the journey.

Tomb Raider
DLC's: Tomb Raider: Unfinished Business