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 Tomb Raider: Anniversary serves as a remake of the original 1996 Tomb Raider game. It is also a prequel to Tomb Raider: Legend. In 1945 New Mexico, a bomb explodes, engulfing a town and revealing a strange structure, from which a winged creature flies out. In Calcutta 1996, Lara Croft is approached by Larson Conway, who introduces her to Jacqueline Natla. Natla reveals she has found the location of one of the three pieces that comprise the Atlantean Scion, a mystical artifact buried in the heart of an ancient city, and she wants Lara to retrieve it for her. Lara, sitting back leisurely, leaps from her seat upon hearing this revelation. Lara, having searched unsuccessfully for such an artifact with her father in the past, agrees to go.



Tomb Raider Anniversary

Kyle's Raiders Nation

"The extraordinary is in what we DO,

 not who we ARE." -Lord Richard Croft

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